Support Halton Women's Place!
Halton Women’s Place is excited to announce the dates for the 4th Annual Hope in High Heels event for 2013!
Join us either in Burlington at Emma’s Back Porch on September 28th or in Downtown Oakville at Centennial Square on September 29th!
Both events begin with registration at 10am. The walk in heels begins at 11am followed by a light lunch for all participants! (Lunches are also available at minimal cost to all spectators and supporters!)
Thanks to Emma’s Back Porch and Paradiso Restaurant for sponsoring the lunch!
SO…What is Hope in High Heels??
This is a men’s walk in heels that shows support for women and children living in and fleeing from abusive situations. We know that without men’s support, woman abuse will never end. We are so grateful for all the amazing boys and men who join us each year to walk in these heels. The walk is short…the heels are high…the cause is worth it!
Last year, more than 80 men walked in heels and more than $70,000 was raised. We have the shoes. We need YOUR feet! Register online by visiting -
Or by emailing Carm at [email protected]
(Please note, when registering on line, you are required to input a password…this is not your normal email password, just one you create for this site. Please be assured, HWP will not have this password sent to us when you sign up).